Read columnist Diane Ravitch's article "I am on Your Side."--Note: When Diane Ravich worked in the office of the Secretary of Education under George W. Bush, she helped craft the No Child Left Behind Act in 2001. By late 2006, she realized that this legislation did more to destroy holistic education than help it, and she became one its biggest critics.

"...I support teachers because I am angered by the attacks on a noble profession. I am enraged that people who are wealthy and powerful attack teachers. I am angry that people who owe their station in life to teachers look down on those who educated them. I am angry that so many politicians are making policies that change teachers' lives without consulting teachers. I am angry that politicians lay off teachers at the same time that they give tax breaks to corporations. I am angry when I hear about states passing legislation to take away tenure and seniority from teachers. I am angry that uninformed people say that experience doesn't matter and that teachers don't need academic freedom" (Ravich, 2012). Read more...